# Set the start and duration of the build modifer for each object. # Get the object index. Use that to set the random seed. # If index < 117 # Start frame = (117 - index) + 125 # If index > 118 # Start frame = (index - 118) + 125 # For symmetry just do abs(120-index). Then start frame zero for # central regions and progressively increases. # To create the appearance of long columns, need a non-linear # increase in start frame. We want it to increase more slowly the # further we are from the centre. import bpy for obj in bpy.data.objects: if ('Img3D_XY' in obj.name) and ('rev' not in obj.name): index = int(obj.name.split('_')[2]) offset = abs(index - 120) foffset = float(offset) sframe = offset = foffset**2.0 length = 120 bpy.data.objects[obj.name].modifiers["Build"].frame_start = sframe bpy.data.objects[obj.name].modifiers["Build"].frame_duration = length # if index <= 241: # if index < 117: # sframe = 117 - index + 125 # length = 500 - sframe # bpy.data.objects[obj.name].modifiers["Build"].frame_start = sframe # bpy.data.objects[obj.name].modifiers["Build"].frame_duration = length # # if index > 118: # sframe = index - 118 + 125 # length = 500 - sframe # bpy.data.objects[obj.name].modifiers["Build"].frame_start = sframe # bpy.data.objects[obj.name].modifiers["Build"].frame_duration = length