Rhys Taylor's home page
Science, Art and Data Visualisation

Timeline of the Universe

At some point during my PhD, Cardiff University participated in a Royal Society exhibition with a booth dedicated to the Herschel and Planck telescopes. My main contribution, besides turning up and pretending to be interested in either of them (sorry, but dust... no, dammit, it's dust) was to make a timeline of the Universe for the floor display. It was a huge printout, something like 3x2 m across. Rather pleasingly, for a long time this was third in Google image search results, and though it's dropped now, it's still near the top. I also found that the horizontal version of this image was used in 2012 presentation by none other than Stephen Hawking. Yes, the Stephen Hawking. You can watch it here; the image is visible at about the 7 minute mark.

For novelty value I'm also including the Welsh version. The translation was done by Rhodri Evans, also at Cardiff University.

A few years later I was commissioned to create an even larger version for the MIRA public observatory in Belgium. I don't know if it's still there (I never visited) but apparently it was 6 m long ! A small(ish) version is shown below, larger versions are available at StockTrek or by getting in touch with me directly.